
Swimming Overview

Hello - I am the club swim rep - responsible for coordinating the pool swim sessions. We have five coached pool sessions per week and access to local lakes for open water swimming with various providers in the summer. 

Our swim coaching program is based on a macro plan for the year and then inclusive of specific training phases to prepare swimmers for the key triathlon season May - September. Lane swimming allows for both those that are relatively new to triathlon swimming to develop and train in lane one - while the sets also accommodate very experienced / faster paced swimmers in the other lanes. 

Our swim coaches include Ash, James, Val and Hannah– they all have high level swim or L2 Triathlon coaching qualifications. 

Enjoy swimming and please dont hesitate to ask any questions or make suggestions by contacting our Swim Rep
Time of year Phase
Jan-Jun Rebuilding swim fitness/ Technical Adaptation/General Preparation
July Overload (Aerobic Capacity)
August Recovery/In Season Development
May- Sep In Season Development (Mesocycles)
Oct-Dec Technical Adaptation
Happy training!

Claire Edwards - Swim Rep

Club Swimming Etiquette

In order to ensure that all members get maximum benefit (and enjoyment!) from the swimming sessions we would ask that all adhere to the following simple rules:

  • Show respect for the coach by arriving on time to start with the other swimmers in your lane. If you do arrive late, avoid disruption by starting your swim at the same point the others have reached in the set.
  • Don’t talk to fellow swimmers while the coach is talking as this makes it more difficult for other swimmers to hear the coaches instructions.
  • If you’re rigorous about getting into genuine speed order at the beginning of each major set, you’ll spread out and get more, not less, space as you work through it. Don’t assume the order will always be the same (we all have good and bad days and are good at different things) and be prepared to change order on a set-by-set or repeat-by-repeat basis if necessary. Don’t assume you have to maintain your position in the same lane every training evening at all costs. Also don’t assume to swim in the same lane each session, it will vary depending on if there are a greater number of slower or faster swimmers for that session.
  • On every repeat use the training clocks to leave a sufficient gap behind the swimmer in front. The default gap is 5 seconds, which if you average 40 seconds per 50m means that 7 swimmers (much more than we’d like!) could fit in the lane before there was an overlap on the first 50m.
  • If you’ve left a 5 second gap and still caught up, then you’re definitely going faster than the swimmer in front! So on the next repeat suggest that you go ahead. Don’t put it off –there may be others queuing up behind you.  Of course, the more variation in swimmers’ speeds in the same lane, and the longer the swim, the greater likelihood of overlaps.
  • On long repeats (200m and up), the likelihood of either catching someone up or lapping someone in the middle of the swim is obviously greater. Always keep an eye on the other swimmers, and if someone’s reached your feet in the middle of a long repeat, let them by (at the end of the length you’re on) by going into the corner of the lane. Don’t stop halfway down the length if you can help it; it invariably causes a massive jam.If you’ve caught someone and you don’t think they’ve spotted you, tap them on the toes so that they know you’re there and they should let you pass at the end of the length.  If your toes are tapped stop in the corner at the end of the lane and let them pass.
  • If you're being passed, or need to stop for any reason, go into the corner of the lane on the side you're already on and let the swimmer behind complete their turn before you push off. Don't cross in front of them before stopping.
  • When you are turning at the end of the length, be aware of others swimmers and try and stay on your own side of the lane when you push off the wall.
  • Sometimes lanes may be crowded. Remember to leave room for others at the end of the lane so they too can swim the full distance and not have to stop short as you haven't left enough room for them.

Please remember this is training, not racing. Please do check on what effort the set needs to be completed at.  The more the training sessions are followed (including slower/recovery swims) the greater your training benefit.