Club Rules


  1. Members agree not to bring the Club into disrepute.
  2. Members agree to abide by the Club’s core values.
  3. Members must abide by the rules and articles of British Triathlon.

Training (Club Organised Activities)

  1. The local swimming pool rules must be adhered to.
  2. Members must not enter water until the appropriate number of lifeguards are in place for all swim sessions.
  3. In open water members must make themselves aware of all specific dangers relating to the chosen location.  Members must take their own appropriate safety precautions, and ensure reasonable safety cover is in place (see Open Water Guidelines, T17).  Members are responsible for their own safety.
  4. Members must not swim in prohibited areas.
  5. In open water Members must wear a brightly coloured swim hat.  


  1. Helmets must be worn on all Club organised activities.  
  2. Cyclists must obey the Highway Code.
  3. Cyclists must be courteous to other road users.
  4. Cyclists are responsible for their own safety.
  5. Members must be happy that they are competent enough to ride with the group they have chosen to ride with.
  6. Members must familiarise themselves with the Club etiquette with regard to riding in groups (see Cycle Section in members’ area of the website).
  7. Members must be fully conversant with the Club’s policies regarding what to do in the event of incidents or accidents whilst on Club organised cycle rides.  (see Cycle Section in members’ area of the website).  


  1. Members must have due regard for pedestrians and other legitimate users of foot paths, roads and bridleways, and any other users of the land especially farmers.
  2. Members are responsible for their own safety.
  3. Members should wear bright coloured or reflective clothing if running at night.


  1. Members must obey all rules relating to the event they are competing in and compete in a sportsman-like manner.
  2. Club kit should be worn when representing the Club.

Club Events

  1. Members are welcome to compete in events organised by the Club but must provide a replacement marshal.


These rules may be amended from time to time at the discretion of the Committee.  All changes will be publicised to members:

Serious disregard or breaches of these rules reported to the Committee may result in the offending member being expelled from the Club.  The Club’s disciplinary procedure will be applied.

For Club Members

7Oaks Triathlon Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all 
its members, ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for all. 

The Club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents 
associated with the Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety 
and welfare of others. 

Members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints 
that they may have about any aspect of the Club with our Coaches or Committee Members.

As a member of the 7Oaks Triathlon Club, you are expected to abide by the following code of conduct: 

  • Members must not bring the Club into disrepute.
  • Members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all members and participants regardless of age, sex, ability, ethnic origin, nationality, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
  • Members must support and encourage good practice and correct actions at all times.
  • Members must never use or condone the use of inappropriate language, inappropriate relationships, bullying, harassment, discrimination, violence or conduct that may be construed as unethical.
  • Members must train and compete within the rules and respect officials and their decisions.
  • Members should recognise the valuable contribution made by volunteers, coaches, officials and event organisers.
  • Members must not take banned substances or use illegal equipment.
  • Members should keep to the agreed timings for training sessions.
  • Members must wear suitable clothing for training sessions.
  • Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly.

For Club/Event Officials and Volunteers

The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarized below.  All 7Oaks Triathlon Club Officials and Volunteers must:

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all athletes, officials and volunteers at all times.
  • Treat everyone equally regardless of age, sex, ethnic origin, religion, political persuasion, sexual orientation or physical disability.
  • Consider the well being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play).
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow all guidelines laid down by British Triathlon and the Race Organiser or Triathlon Club.
  • Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.
  • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibitive substances.
  • Encourage performers to value their performances and not just results.


Equality & Diversity Statement

The Club acknowledges and adopts the British Triathlon policy regarding Equality and Diversity which are defined as follows:

Equality: treating everyone with fairness and respect and recognising and responding to the needs of individuals. Taking positive actions to address existing disadvantages and barriers affecting how people engage with and participate in triathlon.

Diversity: acknowledging and celebrating the differences between groups of people and between individuals.

The Club is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and aims to ensure that all present and potential participants, members, coaches, competitors, officials, volunteers, spectators and employees are treated fairly and are able to fulfil their potential within the sport.

The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.

All Club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.

Full Constitution

Full Constitution

The Full Constitution of the club can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Clean Sport Commitment Statement

The Club is committed to the British Triathlon policy statement regarding Clean Sport as follows:

All sporting participants have the right to compete in doping-free sport (Clean Sport). The British Triathlon Federation adopts the UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) position that cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on society. To this end the British Triathlon Federation commits to support Clean Sport in the UK in the following ways:

  • The British Triathlon Federation supports the mission of UKAD and WADA in achieving Clean Sport.
  • All athletes are expected to play, train and compete in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping Rules.
  • All coaches and athlete support personnel are expected to perform their role in line with the spirit of sport, including the Anti-Doping Rules.
  • The British Triathlon Federation is committed to supporting the prevention of doping behaviour in the UK in collaboration with other sporting bodies.
  • Employed and associated ‘staff’ will not condone, assist or in any way support the use of prohibited substances and methods (unless permitted by a Therapeutic Use Exemption) in any aspects of their work.
  • Breaches of this, or any rules/policies referred to in British Triathlon’s own code of practice/conduct will be acted upon accordingly.
  • All employed and associated staff will be expected to contact UKAD should they become aware of an athlete or a member of a National Governing Body using or considering the usage of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. This contact should be done in confidence on the dedicated confidential Report Doping in Sport line.
  • The British Triathlon Federation will uphold any sanctions placed upon an athlete by UK Anti-Doping or other associated body in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

How we support Clean Sport.

British Triathlon is integral to sport in the UK as the National Governing Body for Triathlon in Great Britain. It is developing and implementing a comprehensive education programme for all aspiring and current Olympic and Paralympic triathletes and multisport team members as well as coaches and support personnel working across the performance pathway.

Further details about UKAD and WADA can be found at and respectively.